Monday, October 18, 2010

In The Beginning

Hello, I am a bit new to the blogosphere. I have had to resort to blogging because FaceBook took my page away. I am fighting to get it back. Sadly there policy is that pages are only for be used to promote a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavor (including non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities), and apparently not for causes such as ours.
Basically this is for, as titled, a place for those of us who do not believe in gods. Not in Jesus, Yahweh, Shiva, Allah, Zeus or Odin. we believe that the need for supernatural forces has gone by the wayside. That religions are inherently evil and that there has been too much evil done in the name of religion. Not all evil, we get that nationalism, greed, money and and just plain, power hungry tyranny has a lot to blame too.
But today, in this day and age that the need to believe in gods that actually prevail in our everyday, personal lives has gone by the wayside. That to believe in creationism, to believe that evolution is wrong, to believe that the earth is only 6000 years old is wrong.
In today's world, with the science we have, the many transitional fossils being found daily, haw can anyone not see what is obvious, this planet is very old and we did not come from Adam and Eve. To me if you actually believe that, you are seriously misguided and deluded.
Any rate, i have something to say and since i can not get FB to restore our page, i am going to have my say here. I will not be shut up and i know a lot of folks feel the same way. We want a secular world. We want and end to the atrocities that are done in the name if religions. We would like a world where we can be free from the forces of religions. Where we can live in a place where one is not demonized for not believing in any gods.
I live in America where the First Amendment guaranteed certain rights and that we have the right to be free from religion as those that believe have the right to practice their religion. We feel that our government is already infiltrated with those that want to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.
I am tired of those that keep calling this a 'Christian Nation'. It is not any such thing. A christian majority yes but there are many who believe in other religions or no religions at all. We firmly believe that religions has NO right to be in our public schools unless it is set up as either a social studies or a literature program that includes ALL religions past and present.
I am going to use this forum to keep spreading the word. We must become more vocal and let folks known that just because one does not believe, that does not mean that we are going to just sit quietly any longer. We vote and we have a voice and the more voiced raise the stronger our voice becomes.
I fully understand that religions are not going away anytime soon but right now if we can get people to see that fundamentalism is not the way. This is a global world not and extremist views should not be tolerated. Hatred and intolerance in the name of gods must end. If one is a moderate believer and does not stand up to the Fred Phelps's and the Bin Laden's out there then you are part of the problem and not the solution.
There is going to be a bunch of mistakes and tweaking with the sight as it is developed it but it will continue and any feedback and insights are greatly welcomed. We are going to mainly focus on news and blogs towards promoting the atheist pount of view as well as sciences that are found to be interesting.


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